Taxi in Paris

Please use only the official Paris taxi. You can identify these by Taxi Parisien sign.

You can hail taxi on the street, but this might not always be possible and will require some patience, and a bit of luck. The best way to take a taxi is to go to the taxi stand - there are many next to main attractions and shopping centers. If you are not sure where the taxi stand is, you might want to ask at the Information stand at the nearby attraction or a shop.

Cash and credit cards are accepted, but it always makes sense to have Euro bills and coins if for some reason the driver will not accept the card, or if the card is declined.

If you are comfortable with Uber, it might be a good alternative to taxi in Paris. Check if Uber is operating in Paris before the trip - there have been many developments around the service in France, but if Uber is operating, it is a convenient option to use.

Tips will be expected both in Taxi Parisien and in Uber. It is totally up to you - many travelers tip between €1 and €5.

Please note that not all taxi drivers are friendly, and don't get too surprised if the route gets a little longer than you thought it would. This is happening less often now, but still happens sometimes.
